Modern Cents

The Greatest Hits: Your Top Insurance Blogs

Insurance, estate planning and tax – we cover it all. But in 2021, there were definitely a few insurance-related articles that were more popular than others, and we’d like to reshare them with you.

  1. Protecting Your Estate: You’ve worked hard all your life and managed to save a few dollars for retirement and beyond, but some of these assets may result in a tax liability upon death. So, how can you protect your hard-earned dollars?

  2. Critical Illness Insurance – Financial Protection or Your Money Back!: Critical illness insurance – what is it and how can this type of insurance protect you and your family in a critical time of need? It’s important to know.

  3. Love and Money: Both BIG topics on their very own, but together love and money can cause quite the headache. What are some tips to help you keep those love lights burning and your pocketbooks full without the cranial trauma?

And if you’d like to know more about any of these topics, please contact our office.